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screenigns4u, LLC, strives to protect and maintain the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of all customers' and donors' personal and corporate information. We have established privacy procedures to govern customer and donor information use.


screenigns4u, LLC does not sell, share, or distribute customer or donor Information to any third party or organization.




screenigns4u, LLC is responsible for maintaining and protecting customer and donor information. We use online storage and the traditional way of storage, which is using file cabinets. All customer and donor information is kept for three (3) years; after three (3) years, all customer and donor information is shredded.


Identifying Purposes


Customer and donor information is collected every time screenigns4u, LLC performs any test or screening service for its customers and donors. Customers and donors shall be identified before or when the information is collected. screenigns4u, LLC requires all donors and customers to provide valid identification before performing services.




The knowledge and consent from the customer and donor are required before the collection or screening process. screenigns4u, LLC does not use or disclose customer or donor information except where required or permitted by law.


Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention


Customer or donor information may only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected unless the customer or donor has otherwise consented or when it is required or permitted by law. Customer or donor information may only be retained for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.




Customer and donor information must be maintained, protected, and updated. Screenigns4u, LLC follows all laws and regulations to ensure the accuracy of this information.




screenigns4u, LLC must inform customers and donors about the policies and practices for managing their information.


Customer Access


At the request of a customer or donor, a customer or donor shall be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of their information and shall be given access to it. Customers may verify the accuracy and completeness of their information and may request that it be amended if applicable.


Questions, comments, or inquiries


Customers or donors may contact screenigns4u, LLC with questions or inquiries about their information and how we handle it.

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