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This is a 17 Panel Hair Drug Test. This test will be sent to the lab for testing. 


  • Amphetamines (AMP)
  • Methamphetamines (Meth)
  • Cocaine (COC)
  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Opiates (OPI)
  • Synthetic Expanded Opiates (Hydrocodone, Oxycodone)
  • Fentanyl (FEN)
  • Tramadol (TRA)
  • Buprenorphine (BUP)
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Benzodiazepines (BZO)
  • Barbiturates (BAR)
  • Methadone (MTD)
  • Propoxyphene (PPX)
  • Meperidine
  • Ketamine
  • Zolpidem (Ambien)


What is the reason for this test?


Hair drug testing is a more effective method of detecting drug use in comparison to other forms of testing. Urinalysis can only identify most drugs within 2-3 days of use. After this period, the donor will be free of the drug and will pass the screening process. However, hair testing can detect drug use for up to 90 days in the past.


Most drugs will be detectable in hair starting from 7-10 days after use. This makes hair drug testing an important tool in pre-employment testing, where candidates are aware that a drug test might be required and can abstain from drug use accordingly. Hair follicle drug testing is used in various settings, including workplace testing, legal and forensic testing, medical testing, and for monitoring patterns of illegal and prescription drug use.


When will I get the results?


The estimated time for negative results is usually 1-3 business days, while non-negative results typically take 3-7 business days. These are just estimates based on our regular experience, and there is no guarantee that the actual time will be the same. Sometimes, confirmation testing, communication with the donor, and other logistical issues can cause delays in the lab turnaround time.

      17 Panel Hair Test

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